What No One Tells You About Invisalign®

If you’re thinking about Invisalign® for your teeth alignment issues, you should book an appointment with your dentist in Lighthouse Point, FL. We’ll be able to tell you all about the pros and cons of Invisalign®, including some things that you may not hear from others. Here are some things that no one else tells you about Invisalign®:

Outcome Partially Relies on You

Unlike traditional braces, with Invisalign®, your treatment progress and outcome partially depends on you. With regular braces, the patient can’t remove them and has no control over them. With Invisalign®, since they’re removable, you partially control how long treatment will take and how optimal the treatment is. So, with the convenience of Invisalign® comes increased responsibility.

You’ll Need More Appointments

Invisalign® uses a series of aligners that adapt to your teeth’s new position in order to consistently shift them into the desired alignment. As such, you’ll need more appointments with Invisalign® than you would if you had regular braces. But the appointments won’t last long, and you’ll be able to easily fit them into your regular school, work or play schedule.

Aligners Can Get Stained

One of the biggest attractions about Invisalign® is their near invisibility. But few people will tell you ahead of time that these aligners can get stained. So a stained aligner will be a lot more noticeable. It just won’t look good. We recommend that you drink only water and non-staining beverages and foods while wearing Invisalign®. This means no tobacco use, too. Try to avoid berries, curries, coffee and tea, among others. Your dentist will give you a detailed list.

Hang on to Your Old Aligner

When you graduate to the next level of treatment and get a new aligner, don’t be too quick about getting rid of your previous aligner. Keep it in a storage container and hang onto it, because if anything happens to your new aligner—you lose it, or break it—you’ll have a backup aligner that will prevent your teeth from regressing into their original position.

Are you ready to tryInvisalign® in Lighthouse Point, FL? Contact us today to book a consultation and to learn more about this revolutionary advancement in teeth alignment adjustments.