Invisalign SmartForce Attachments Explained
If you need to have your teeth straightened, you are probably considering Invisalign clear dental aligners in Lighthouse Point, FL, right? But what you might not know is that Invisalign aligners have evolved over time and are now better, and can be used for more complex dental issues. How is that, you might ask? Let’s take a look.
What Are Invisalign SmartForce Attachments?
Invisalign dental aligners now come with what’s called SmartForce attachments. Those attachments are what make these aligners more powerful and effective. Invisalign SmartForce attachments are small custom tooth-colored “buttons” that are placed on your teeth.
What Do Invisalign SmartForce Attachments Do?
Invisalign attachments, sometimes called buttons, are made of a medical-grade composite resin. Similar to the material used in dental fillings. They are used to help your aligners grip and stay in place more easily. In other words, they are like anchors for your aligners.
Invisalign attachments are also used to assist your aligners in moving your teeth into their proper position using a gentle, guided force. The attachments are what make Invisalign aligners more effective for complex movements like rotations, impactions, and extrusions. The attachments also help you complete your treatment faster. And who doesn’t want that!
Another thing about attachments is that they can help distribute the movement of your teeth more evenly. Therefore, the attachments help make your aligners more comfortable. They also reduce the risk of your teeth shifting. That means attachments are more effective at making your treatment more permanent and longer lasting,
How Do Invisalign SmartForce Attachments Work?
Your dentist in Lighthouse Point, FL, will strategically attach small pieces of composite (attachments) to specific teeth throughout your mouth. They are applied using a special dental glue. But don’t worry; they won’t harm your teeth and are easily removed.
After placing the attachments, your dentist will show you how to properly insert and remove your Invisalign dental aligners without damaging them.
Are You Looking for a Reputable Dentist in Lighthouse Point, FL?
If you want to talk with a dentist about straightening your teeth, please Contact FL Dental Spa today. We are a state-of-the-art general and cosmetic dental practice with a full suite of services. Our team works hard to build trust and long-lasting relationships with our patients. We truly care about your oral health and wellness.